Hey listen,

I'd love to be able to pack all of the accordion parameters into classes. 
But, there's just too much information there to make it make-sensical when
read by people who are a bit slow on the uptake, as Paul hints might be
the case.

Another good, but not very semantic solution, was to include a script tag
that only defined an object for containing the parameters.  That might be
a bit cleaner and easier.

- Brian

> Brian Miller schrieb:
>> Personally, I'd rather use a div or span for that sort of thing, rather
>> than a <code> tag.
>> <div
>> class="accordion_init">accordion:false,showSpeed:'slow',hideAll:true</div>
>> Then, style div.accordion_init to be hidden, and you get the same effect
>> without "misusing" the <code> tag.
> Poor people that have to use a text browser, a screenreader, or simply
> have switched of CSS...
> I give up!
> -- Klaus

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