Christopher Jordan schrieb:
> I see. So is it like the lesser of two evils (because IE doesn't comply 
> with all the standard CSS gizmos, like display: table-cell)? Either you 
> use tables, or you have to use conditional comments, and some other 
> CSS-for-IE hacks to make it work? Does that sound about right?

Hi Chris,

that's right. But: the only reason I can think of to use tables, is, 
that you can easily have content vertically aligned in the middle. That 
is what CSS honestly lacks.

This can also be achievend with a little dynamic property for IE, so 
that's one line for a hack versus improved accessibility plus increased 
flexibility/maintainability plus 50% less markup. That sounds like a 
good trade-off, doesn't it?

> And, is 
> this really a reason not to use the plug-in? I've used Gilles submodal 
> dialog code before and it's served me quite well, so I was excited to 
> use something else he'd written.

I've never stated I wouldn't use the plug-in. Once I'm going to use it, 
I'll CSSify it ;-)

-- Klaus

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