Finally some reactions.

I did not mean to say "My plugin is better" or something like that, just
wanted to get your attention to my plugin, because, like said, i can't
perfect it without you guys.

Some points mentioned by you guys:
* I'll try go get a CSS layout online as soon as possible.
* Some people who are complaining that it relies on interface. I had to,
if i wanted this funcionality myself the code got twice as big at least!
So that is the why, i hope you can understand. Something called
reusability :)
* Please define "slow" i know it is slow, but this is only the draggable
part in IE6, i don't know what is wrong there, since i use the bgiframe
hack which everybody uses.
* Glen, i don't have IE7 yet, but i'll try to fix this as soon as i can.

> I realize there's a smiley on the end, but this really /is/ a joke, right?
> Your plugin frankly isn't anywhere near ready for public use, as much as I
> wish it were.

Su, like said, don't give such a comment without giving some solutions or
"problem areas" on my test enviroment, windows with IE6 and FF it
works fine. I can't fix what i don't see as broken.

p.s. who's Quicken?

-- Gilles

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