Here's another (probably older) approach to vertical centering with CSS I've
been using for a while.

This one doesn't need any proprietary IE code to get the centering to work
in IE, but it does require a bit of extra markup as well as using 'absolute'
positioning which can be a hassle in some situations.

I haven't tested the technique Klaus linked to, but I think I actually I
like that one better for most situations

Thanks for sharing, Klaus! :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Klaus Hartl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 10:44 AM
To: jQuery Discussion.
Subject: Re: [jQuery] Stop using thickbox!

Christopher Jordan schrieb:
> Thanks for the response, Klaus. :o)
> Klaus Hartl wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> that's right. But: the only reason I can think of to use tables, is, 
>> that you can easily have content vertically aligned in the middle. That 
>> is what CSS honestly lacks.
>> This can also be achievend with a little dynamic property for IE, so 
>> that's one line for a hack versus improved accessibility plus increased 
>> flexibility/maintainability plus 50% less markup. That sounds like a 
>> good trade-off, doesn't it?
> so what's the hack? don't leave me hangin', brotha! :o)

Hi Christopher, wasn't sure if you are interested... here's a demo:

One more thing to know: With JavaScript disabled in IE it will not be 
centered. I think that's acceptable, because it degrades well.

-- Klaus

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