Andy Matthews schrieb:
> I'd have to agree with everything that Glen says, and I'd add something.
> Instead of just showing how powerful and easy jQuery is to use, why not 
> show people how it compares to other libraries?
> Pick 5 or 10 things fairly common things, then show the code for each 
> framework.
>    Here's how Prototype does it
>    Here's how Moo.fx does it
>    Here's how Dojo does it
>     etc.
> And make them real world stuff, not just uncommon test cases. Then 
> people can instantly see that jQuery results in less code, and that it's 
> easier.

I don't like the idea of such heavy comparison. It could create the idea 
of like "What kind of problem do these jQuery guys have with all the 
other libraries", know what I mean?

Let jQuery speak for itself. A programmer who has used some of the other 
libraries will see the difference.

And for JavaScript newbies make an example script the JavaScript/DOM way 
and compare that with a jQuery one-liner. Now that would be impressive.

-- Klaus

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