
Klaus Hartl a écrit :

>agent2026 schrieb:
>>Very nice Klaus.
>>One thing I would really like to see added (which I've done with help my
>>modded version) is circular browsing - 'next' on last image loads first
>>image, and vice versa - and 'click=next' when clicking on an image in a
>Is clicking on the image will take you to the next image expected 
>behavior? I don't think so, but it's not my Thickbox, it's ours. So what 
>do the others think?
>Same for that circular thing? Feedback please!
>Besides, I also planned to implement a slideshow option. Another idea: 
>Instead of next/previous links one could (optionally) show mini 
>thumbnails... hm, just thinking out loud. After all, the script won't 
>get smaller.
I'd like to feed back by showing my own thickbox hacks (most of them are 
already in Klaus version) :

http://spip-zone.info/spip.php?article31 (see the portefolio at the 
bottom of the page)

My hacks :
- Thickbox is setup when finding type="jpeg" (or gif or png) in <a>, or 
on class=thickbox
- When an image is shown, the next one is pre-loading
- Click show next image
- "next" and "previous" as logos (rather than text string)
- Slideshow option
- Zoom option for big images
- css "a la lightbox"
- keyboard focus on "slideshow" and "zoom"
- keyboard broasing (tab, enter etc)

I had some feed back with that version : I was asked that it went in 
circles (the last image is followed by the first)


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