Very very cool. I was curious as to how you had implemented - but I
like how you did. Excellent solution. Worked well for me in my small


On 3/22/07, Mike Alsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've added file upload support to the form plugin and I could use some
> help testing it out.  If this feature interests you then go ahead and
> grab the beta plugin at:
> File upload support is baked right into the plugin and there are no
> external dependencies.  The plugin will automatically detect file
> input elements and use an iframe to submit the form if there are files
> to be uploaded.  No extra coding or metadata is needed to take
> advantage of this new feature.  In addition, even though an iframe is
> used instead of the XHR object, callbacks and global triggers still
> work as expected (so any code that you have in place to display
> activity indicators or blocking elements will still work).
> However, there are some challenges when using iframes in this manner.
> For one, it is quite difficult to determine if the submit operation
> succeeded or failed.  The iframe becomes the target of the submit
> operation and so that is where the server response is written.  The
> form plugin does its best to determine the data type (html, xml, etc),
> but the status is always 'success' unless an exception is caught
> during the type determination.  (Note that dojo and YUI haven't
> figured out how to solve the status problem either.)
> I've prepared a sample page with several forms here:
> If you use this page for testing *please* be kind to my server and
> only upload small files! I'd really prefer that you download the
> plugin and integrate it into your own test environment if possible.
> I've done some testing on FF, IE and Opera and the results are
> encouraging.  I don't have access to Safari so I'm sure there are
> issues lurking for that platform.
> If you're interested in the code you can find it all tucked into the
> end of the ajaxSubmit method in a function called "fileUpload".
> Mike
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