Anyone else having issues with Mike's blockUI extension in IE 6.0?

This thing works like a beauty in FF. And it's a great plugin for what I
need versus the more robust jqModal - which is great too but offers more
functionality than I need right now. That being said, I may have to work
with jqModal since it appears it will work for what I need (just a
simple blocking of the UI) with a few tweaks. Stinks, because I really
like how events are wired in blockUI - simple and this, block
ui, do this. Done.

Issues I am facing in IE 6.0:

1) $().ajaxStop($.unblockUI) never fires. I even tried to manually
unblock using $.unblockUI() but no cigar. I can see the ajax response
return and the DOM elements are updated but the "block" never is

2) Issues with the "block" not filling the entire page. Appears to be an
issue with the height. The width works fine but the "block" never flows
the height of the page in IE.

I'm using - * Version 1.02 - test (03/19/2007)

Here's how the page basically works - user clicks button, pop blockUI,
fire an ajax event, ajax event returns, unblockUI.

Any suggestions?

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