On Jun 13, 2009, at 7:39 PM, Noah Slater wrote:

> There are hundreds of examples where larger sites aggregate personal  
> content
> from the rest of the Web. Indeed, the sites that host the personal  
> content are
> essentially the content specific "banks" that people are already  
> using.

And to take this back round to the start of the conversation:

My assertion is that content specific banks are less useful to  
individuals than content agnostic banks whose sole purpose is to store  
stuff that you allow content specific services to use.

When something like youtube aggregates video content, and is the  
primary presenter as well, they achieve a sort of primacy in the  
control of that content, which is contrary to the autonomy that this  
list {seems to be, is} about.

To be a bit more specific: If I grant access to my content by  
_reference_ rather than by sending a copy, it is easier to rescind  
access and otherwise maintain _my_ control over the content.

(People who've known me for some time will recognize the common theme  
of X by reference.)
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