On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 03:33:45PM -0600, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> Is Illumos currently known to execute properly on the new AMD 
> Bulldozer-based CPUs such as the Opteron 6200 series?  If not, is 
> someone working on it?

I would expect that it "just works", although some things could be done
to improve the support.

The topology information for the scheduler would need to be updated, and
the topology information for FMA will probably need some work, too. The
microcode patch loader would need to be changed (there was change in the
patch format) just in case that microcode updates are released for it.

> >From what I have read, the power management for Bulldozer is different 
> than previous Opteron CPUs and even recent Linux releases do not have 
> per-core power management quite right yet.

Ah yes. Power management will need to be adapted, too. It's the all-new
topology that makes all this necessary.


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