This doesn't surprise me.

Enter (and other keyboard actions to activate form/dialog controls)  
are a power user activity.  (So I'll bet no one exited with Esc or  
tabbed through controls, either.)  There's a level of "trust" (for  
lack of a better word) that has to be established before users are  
only going to engage in power activities.  The first time in a given  
form or in a given app, they are going to act cautious and  
conservative and will not use such shortcuts, because they aren't sure  
that the app will behave like it should in non-power scenarios.

(Exception: if they are "testing" the form rather than "using" it, if  
they are looking for problems, then you may get power behavior right  
out of the gate.)

-- Jim Drew

On Nov 21, 2007, at 8:58 AM, Luke Wroblewski wrote:

> All of the participants (23) used the buttons on all of the options
> (6). So 138 times out of 138 tested, no on used hit "Enter" to
> complete a form.
> On Nov 21, 2007, at 8:04 AM, Todd Zaki Warfel wrote:
>> Excellent question. Luke, any insights into this? I don't think this
>> was mentioned in the article.

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