Search engine optimization is one area in which I expect our progress
toward standards-compliance and good structure to pay major dividends
and time savings.

Increasingly, search engines are biased away from deliberate
manipulations (like metatags) in favor of the actual content of the
page. Semantically structured pages benefit by being very accessible
to searchbots, but only if the semantics are well designed. Pages
that rely too exclusively on CSS layout (you'll know them by their
abundant  and  tags), without adequate semantic structure in the page
markup, also suffer. Pages with abundant Flash and javascript will be
indexed well if their essential content is described as required by
the HTML/XHTML spec in effect on that page.

We used to spend inordinate amounts of time and attention on keywords
in the metatags, and other SEO gimmicks; I suppose some people still
do. But in the past year or two it's become clear to me that I have
more success with search engines if I give each page a unique and
meaningful title and assure that all headings are contextually
meaningful. It helps too if the text on all pages follows the
"inverted pyramid" model familiar to journalists. If you do all
that, which is pretty simple, you can be reasonably sure you'll be
appropriately indexed and also fairly accessible to assistive
technologies (of which searchbots are only one example). All this
serves the user well, too.

So I guess my bottom line position at this moment in time is that SEO
now relies on semantic structure and other good design principles, and
is not the separate consideration it once was. I also think that's
the way it should be.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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