With all due respect, Pauric, I like Tim O'Reilly's vision of Web
2.0 better:

"It's really about data and who owns and controls, or gives the
best access to, a class of data."

All the rest is bells and whistles, much ado about nothing. Lipstick
on a pig, as one clever member of this forum put it. Fashion can be
timeless or ridiculous, and most of it of any era is the latter.

I do like the "look and feel" presented by James Bond's example,
but try to navigate schematic.com without a mouse. Design that
hinders or disallows basic functionality should not be considered a
step forward, but in these wild west days of Web 2.0, it often is.
Google Mail is a much better example of taking Web 2.0 in a positive
direction, and user response to it is proof.

Suggested reading in the fiction section: "Ender's Game," by Orson
Scott Card. Ender changed the world by teaching himself to think
multidimensionally. Emerging technologies on the Web don't evolve in
a straight line, as the Nova Spivak diagram suggests, and timelines
are most useful in hindsight. A better mental model might be based on
atomic models in chemistry -- the periodic table, covalent bonding,
the double helix and such.


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