>On Aug 13, 2008, at 1:06 PM, Petroff, Greg wrote:
>> What are the top 3 things you find yourself doing now with your iPhone
>> that you did not do before and why?

1. E-mail anywhen.  (Not just anywhere, but when I walk from my office to the 
bathroom or to get coffee or in the morning for a couple minutes just after 
breakfast, I pull up my e-mail and read as I walk.  Even if I only get through 
3-4 messages at a shot that way, it's time spent on something, and it lessens 
the email load later.)

2. Staying up to date and participative on the IxDA list.  Ever since being 
gone to Ireland for 7 work days in Feb/Mar, I've not been able to deal with 
current posts on the list, wanting to go through my backlog first (hah!  I 
delete anything in that more than a certain age, and I still have 500 items!).  
I'm now trimming the backlog from the front instead of the back.

3. Dance choreography.  Just having the speakers has made it somehow okay to 
start a song playing, put the phone in my pocket or on the desk, and work on 
the choreography; I could have done this before with earbuds and an iPod, but I 
didn't, for whatever reason.

(4. I've only had mine for a week now.  I'll begin to make more PDA-type uses 
of it in the coming weeks, I'm sure.)

-- Jim

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