On Sep 2, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Josh Viney wrote:

3. They've got some serious catching up to do, so they better have a
killer app - or at least a killer reason for people to switch. Even
then most IE users won't be switching because the Internet is the
"E" icon. FF and Apple haven't gotten the core IE audience to
switch, so what can Google offer that will?

I know this old now, but…

Does everything have to be a "killer app"? Do they have to completely dismantle Internet Explorer in order to be successful, or can they succeed by just having 1, 2, 5% of the market?

(Now, how much of that would come from IE and how much from Firefox and Safari and Opera, that's a good question. I know for myself, I've got Chrome installed on the work Windows machine, and I use it now and then, but it's not going to replace Safari. Which did replace Firefox 2; Firefox 3 wouldn't let me have it installed unless it was the default browser, so it went bye bye. I imagine the only way it will really eat into the IE share is to get it as the default browser on some new systems. And that's unlikely to happen until it's out of "beta", and that could be years.)

-- Jim

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