There was a very interesting post on Luke Wroblewski (are you reading
this, Luke?) entitled "Factors Limiting the Organizational Influence
of Design"

His conclusions are based on his experience of presenting the
"Influencing Strategy by Design" workshop
( to over a hundred
professional designers across the World including teams from India,
Taiwan, Japan, Europe, China, Korea, and the United States. Each
time, they started the course by asking attendees to share what
factors they felt were limiting their organizational influence. 

Each time a common set of themes emerged: organizational imbalance,
lack of shared understanding, resource constraints, and market

Organizational Imbalance
%u2022  My organization often prioritizes monetization and revenue
over user experience. Our focus is on sales not customers.
%u2022  The business units and product managers in my organization are
responsible for most product decisions -not the design team
%u2022  In my organization, short -term gains are often prioritized
over long-term gains
%u2022  Poor User Experience is not a gating factor for launching
%u2022  I%u2019m unaware of how the decision making process in my
organization really works
%u2022  There is a lack of respect between product management, design,
engineering, marketing, and other functional teams
%u2022  The design team is not involved in longer, more strategic
projects the way we are in short term projects.
Lack of Shared Understanding
%u2022  People in my organization do not understand the of value of
%u2022  Our design organizations do not have a common process or
method of scoping our work
%u2022  Information exchange is difficult because we have distributed
%u2022  The design team is not interested in the broader
responsibilities required for strategic influence
%u2022  The business goals behind our products and initiatives are
%u2022  Design is seen as less important than just getting something
%u2022  My design team needs a better understanding of the business
perspective behind products
%u2022  We do not have enough people or time to be strategic.
There%u2019s too much other work to be done
%u2022  We have a lack of senior contributors who can do strategic
work on our team
%u2022  Our team has limited access to data, and research that could
help build support for our strategic ideas
%u2022  My organization outsources a lot of our design efforts
%u2022  We lack engineering and instrumentation support for our
strategic work
Market Dynamics
%u2022  In my organization, the emphasis is on time to market
%u2022  There is a lack of consumer enthusiasm for my company in the
%u2022  Our top position in the marketplace leads to complacency
%u2022  My organization faces increased competition
%u2022  Our work is allows compared to or a reaction to the market

{ Itamar Medeiros } Information Designer
 designing clear, understandable communication by
 caring to structure, context, and presentation
 of data and information

 mobile   :::  86 13671503252
 website  :::
 aim      ::: itamarlmedeiros
 skype    ::: designative

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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