On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 5:10 AM, Will Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> <http://www.core77.com/hack2school/portigal.asp>
> Put your observations on the Internet. Maybe no one will see them, but the
> discipline of taking your observations out of your own head and publishing
> them in a sharable form will force you into telling a story. As much as
> design research is about observing others, there's something very personal
> about how and what we see, and developing that voice will serve you well.
> Collect stories and retell them in your own way, emphasizing the
> perspective
> you want others to take away."

This topic reminds me a lot of an article on Russel Davies's site: How to be
There, he talks about how observing, creating, and sharing are all keys to
becoming more interesting people.

Does anyone have a 'suitcase' where the stick stuff they find? I know some
> of us may use flickr, del.icio.us or other means of collecting
> inspiration.
> Moleskin? How do you record your observations and remember where you got
> inspriration from? I know this is one possible use for @zakiwarfel's
> research framework which can of course be used for user research/testing
> but
> can also be used for book writing and design research. Anyone have a formal
> process/framework out there?
>  <http://www.ixda.org/help>
For myself, I use a combination of things to store ideas. Instead of
bookmarking with delicious, I use ma.gnolia.  As much as possible, I only
bookmark higher level sites than specific individual articles.  For those, I
send to DEVONthink to catalog and categorize.

Flickr I use for photo collections, Tumblr I use for single photos, videos,
and snippets of overheard conversations, and I send text messages to Twitter
to remember one or two-sentence ideas.

For more in-depth brainstorming, I do more stream-of-consciousness capturing
into a moleskine.

It is certainly a lot of services, but because each one fills a very
specific niche, I have no trouble keeping the discipline to use each one.


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