A classic menus add in? I guess I missed that email. Can someone please forward again?

The absence of an ability for advanced, 17 year-users to elect to use the interface that they are familiar with is my biggest issue.

Years ago, when Lotus moved from a command-based interface to a GUI interface, users had the ability to easily invoke the old command structure. This enabled us to maintain our productivity when that was critical and learn the new interface at our own pace...and to decide for ourselves which worked best for us for whicht tasks.

The fact that a similar, simple mechanism was not built into Office 2007 was a blatant disregard for the existing user base. My productivity went down in excess of 25%.

One of my most memorable examples is the Paste Special function (while using Excel). I am an avid user of keyboard shortcuts for the most common features. Thus, when I paste (regular paste), I use the keyboard shortcut. So, there would be no reason for me to take notice of a Paste button for 99% if my paste needs.

However, I needed to use Paste Special one time and I know there is no keyboard shortcut for it so I needed go to into the Paste realm and find it within there.

It took my about 7 minutes. Once I found it I thought, "People would think I'm an idiot for not seeing that big button.". But here's why I looked at everything else but that button.

The first of the 2007 products I was exposed to was Outlook. In Outlook, I noticed a new, big Send button. "Ok that makles sense.", I thought.

But in Excel, a program that I know to also have a Send capability, that same button, in that same position, means Paste. So, I completely overlooked it thinking it was a Send button and went on a wild goose chase.

Microsoft is too big of an organization to not take their huge, long- standing, user base's needs into serious consideration when embarking on such a massive change.

My 2 cents... Or was that $20 worth? :)

Thanks for anyone that can toss me the quickest link to the add in.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Yohan Creemers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I like the fact that Microsoft dared to change the interface so
rigorously. The old interface with menus and toolbars wasn't perfect
I guess that the ribbon is helping new and even intermediate users.
But as a expert user I'm missing the fast overview a classic menu
offers. I think the ribbon is a good concept, but too rigidly applied
in the case of Office 2007. Some of the functions, like the advanced
paragraph properties, don't fit within the concept and require a
different interface design.

I would say that it's possible to combine the benefits of the ribbon
with the benefits of a classic menu.

By the way: Jan, thanks for the link to Classic Menus Add In...

- Yohan

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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