Seriously, though, the reality of many goods and services isn't
"once bitten, twice shy" but once bitten, forever a walking vampire
of whatever system bit you. Buy a Nikon DSLR and a few Nikon lenses,
it's a bit switch to move to Canon. You can replace the camera
example with Mac/Windows, HDVD/Blue-Ray, VHS/Betamax, MiniDisc, DAT,
and a long, long, list.

I'm not sure we need a separate bill of consumer rights, what I feel
we need is human rights actually applied to products. But what's good
about writing it in a list like that is that it brings it closer to
home than human rights normally does.

I agree with Dan that there are plenty of situations where you don't
have a choice. It is almost impossible to live a normal life without a
bank account, yet for much of what my bank offers me versus what they
gouge, I'd keep my cash under the mattress (or the dog).

Deregulated markets are never really truly deregulated and free
markets are never entirely free. It's a dangerous illusion to think
so. There is always a lot of tweaking, subsidising, withholding and
ruling in the system and it's that which makes it usually go awry.
If the global markets were truly 'free' China wouldn't have to re-
and devalue it's currency every time the US dollar slid.

For a shocker of a video of how misguided believing that illusion can
be, check out Peter Schiff's predictions of the crash:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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