I guess my response earlier got lost. 

I am planning on taking notes and hoping for the chance to do audio.
I was thinking about video but as others have mentioned that might
make the user feel strange and alter the results. I still have to
talk to our contact at the location about audio recording.

I will have one other person going with me. He is a business analyst
and has asked me to let him know what I need him to do. If we do a
focus group I'll probably have him do notes since in my experience
it has been awkward to facilitate and take notes.

On note taking I usually do general point notes or things that really
stand out and then use the tape for direct quotes or clarifications.
My journalism degree comes in handy with note taking, interviews and
focus groups.  

@Jonathan To the rest of your points. I'll be doing a contextual
inquiry since we want to observe how the software is being used vs
the model of how we think it is being used. Plus either interviews or
a focus groups depending on the number of people they are making
available in each user group. No resources for transcription, our UI
team is 3 people. The on site time is a one shot deal in and out the
same day. We have to fly to the location so we have to cram as much
as we can into one session. We could probably do some follow up
e-mails but I doubt we will be able to go back.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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