funniest post of the day... just awesome.

I concur with your division of satisfaction. I be an outlaw as a result.


On Aug 31, 2009, at 5:46 PM, Scott McDaniel wrote:

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Mark Schraad <> wrote: maybe they are 'drinking the kool-ade' because they are happy, well served customers. How sinister and evil is that?


Sent from my iPhone

We're onto your game, Mr. Sent from my iPhone!

Seriously, though - there was an article in Wired, of all places (which means...not some super secret industry journal, it's practically People magazine for nerds), talking about how Apple's approach to design was somewhat black mystery box, and it's a horribly false binary to insist that because, say, they don't care about users in the entirety because some of their approach involves whatever disparaging term we use to describe non-UCD these days. There are different approaches to everything, including design - somewhat in the vein of how the term "Best Practices" doesn't mean "Only Practices".

Mmm Kool-aid,

p.s. My user testing group of me and my cat gives the iPhone 3g a consistent 45% satisfaction rating, as I experience outright delight and glee at the ability to do what I want, minus points mostly that can be lain at the feet of AT&T. My cat doesn't express any interest in the innovative UI because it's not made of tuna.

"You always have the carny connection." - Clair High

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