Thank you for your thoughtful replies.

I don't agree that including page titles in breadcrumbs is a
standard -- lots of sites do it, but many don't. If Apple isn't
doing it, can it really be a standard? ;-)

With a visually-related title and breadcrumb (alignment, proximity,
>, etc.) I cannot imagine people thinking, or saying in usability,
"Where am I? How did I get here? How do I get back to the main
page?" whether the breadcrumb includes the page title or not. If
they do, we have bigger problems than a breadcrumb. I guess leaning
towards Jared's argument -- if they're really that critical,
something is wrong. (And if they're not needed altogether, that
certainly does beg the question...)

Of course people may have more of a vague sense than a clearly-formed
question, but I'm going to ponder how to test this. I'm really
curious to try to manifest a response to having the page title or not
in usability. (Any thoughts?)

I agree with you Paul. I had no idea I'd spend any energy at all on
this, honestly. Thought it was a simple change that everyone would
agree with. (I should know by now, any time I have a thought that
starts with, "I'll just...", I'm probably in for it.)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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