On 12 July 2016 at 08:01, Michael Vorburger <vorbur...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On a perhaps slightly tangential note, what is a minor PITA today is
> "just" the constant re-downloading of every single org.opendaylight.* JAR
> dependency, all the time. This could give some a certain feeling of
> slowness in local development perhaps? I wonder if before going fully
> phased, there are things that could be done to improve that? Two specific
> thoughts: 1. When nothing changes 1 day in odl-parent or yangtools, do we
> currently still push new SNAPSHOT every night or so? We should not.  2.
> Simple infra stuff... to me download from e.g. Maven central appear faster
> than from nexus.opendaylight.org, is that right? If so would looking into
> some sort of CDN or a few official Mirrors, be of any value? Just a thought.

Merge jobs do all the pushing and there is only 3 possibilities for the
pushing to occur.

1) Weekly weekend job runs on Sunday
2) Patch was merged
3) Someone manually triggered via 'remerge' trigger in Gerrit

So during the week if a project hasn't made any changes then there
shouldn't be any new SNAPSHOTs to download for that project.

FWIW I use docker locally and setup my own Nexus mirror in docker. It takes
very little time to do and makes local development quite fast in terms of
redownloading things.

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