On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 4:34 PM, Patrick Turley <ptur...@cray.com> wrote:

> Please excuse the formatting of this reply – I’m new here and I haven’t
> figured out how to escape Outlook.
> In your very helpful reply, Michael, you wrote:
>     “this depends on which (Karaf) features you install; specific ODL
> sub-projects may be able to give you more details answers.”
> Certainly that’s the case.  I’m trying to determine the list of ALL
> available Northbound APIs.  Also, I think you can see that I wouldn’t know
> which ODL sub-projects to examine until I already had that list.
> What I’m gleaning from your reply is:
>    1. There is no authoritative, comprehensive list of available
>    Northbound APIs in the ODL documentation.
>    2. The only way to reliably construct that list is to go through every
>    single ODL feature and do whatever research is required to understand
>    whether it’s implementing a Northbound API.
> That is, for example, if I didn’t already know ODL offers a Northbound
> OpenFlow API, the only way I could discover this would be to walk through
> all the features.
> Is that understanding correct?

That is my understanding, but I'm happy to be contradicted by anyone who
may have constructed such a list already.

> *From: *Michael Vorburger <vorbur...@redhat.com>
> *Date: *Monday, February 12, 2018 at 08:54
> *To: *Patrick Turley <ptur...@cray.com>
> *Cc: *"discuss@lists.opendaylight.org" <discuss@lists.opendaylight.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [OpenDaylight Discuss] Exhaustive list of Northbound APIs
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 6:24 AM, Patrick Turley <ptur...@cray.com> wrote:
> From my reading so far, I know that OpenDaylight supports Neutron and
> OpenFlow as Northbound APIs.
> I’m certain there are many more, but I’m not certain how to construct an
> exhaustive list of what’s available.
> I understand that people outside the OpenDaylight project might be
> constructing Northbound APIs and, in principle, there’s no way to discover
> all those.
> To be specific, I want to construct the list of Northbound APIs available
> to me in a new Nitrogen installation.  Simply looking through the hundreds
> of available features isn’t a good way to figure this out.  What * should*
> I be doing?
> this depends on which (Karaf) features you install; specific ODL
> sub-projects may be able to give you more details answers.
> For all YANG based RPCs, you can use the Swagger apidocs from the RESTCONF
> project, do you know about that? See e.g. https://wiki.
> opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:MD-SAL:Restconf_API_Explorer
> - not sure that's best/latest; others may have better pointers.
> The Neutron Northbound are pure REST API which are not YANG RPCs, those
> won't appear there.
> Other project may contribute others.
> Best of luck.
> Tx,
> M.
> --
> Michael Vorburger, Red Hat
> vorbur...@redhat.com | IRC: vorburger @freenode | ~ = http://vorburger.ch
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