kdf wrote:
Quoting Johan Hübner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

kdf wrote:

There was a recent ruling in Europe (not sure if it was EU-wide) that has
decided that copying from one format to another was illegal.  This means,


you buy a CD, you can only EVER copy it to another CD.

being a european lawyer I have not heard of that ruling, but I can assure you that it is not EU-wide. If you have a URL I would be delighted. I wouldn't be surprised if it was to be overturned if it was referred to the European Cour of Justice. '

thanks johan.  I really was going on memory, so I'll trust your information over
mine.  All I can really go on at this point in thank goodness for canadian
socialism.  We get raped with blank media fees, but at least we can actually
consider media that we purchase as 'owned', which is good considering that all
the advertising says "own it today".  I think this could be a big class action
if we took this and interpreted it based on US laws.

sad thing is, this is only the beginning for a group of people who obviously
feel some lack of value in their lives.

canadian beef unsafe???? give me a freaking break

Well - your canadian socialism is probably rather slack compared to our swedisg :-). But something that needs to be remembered is that blank media charges (which are being introduced EU-wide, but embedded in the price of the media rather than added on-top at the time of the purchase which is the canadian method) is to compensate the copyright holders for legal copying, ie fair use (US & Ca) and statutory private copying (EU). It is quite often journalists muddle this up as being a charge to compensate for illegal copying.

But - as I said - copyright is as hot as ever in the European legal society and many believe it can help them walk on water in court proceedings. I wish we could sometime get back to the intention of copyright in the first place - top go give authors and other creators a fair compensation for their contribution to arts and culture and to give them a economic incentive to continue creating.

Personally I believe that copyright-enforcement is turning into a farce in the US and in EU.


Johan Hübner --!!johan at hubner.se!!--

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