My set-up --

Fedora Core 3
Slimserver 6.0.1
Softsqueeze 2.0b3

I've run SoftSqueeze successfully (from the command line) since getting
my squeezebox. (I struggled a bit early on, but found help in the 1/8/05
thread in this discussion list with the subject "[slim] help with
running softsqueeze on linux.")

I went through a blip when I upgraded to version 6.0
betas and nightlies -- at one stage Softsqueeze ran and played the music at chipmunk speed, and at another time it would appear to be running but I wouldn't get sound and the on-screen display would go blank when I turned it off using the on-screen remote power button.

However, earlier this week I installed slimserver 6.0.1 and Softsqueeze
2.0b3 and Softsqueeze worked. It was great.

Then, two nights ago I decided to give MusicMagicMixer a try. I
installed it successfully, but when I tried to run it I got an error
message indicating I needed to set the JAVA_HOME environment. I did that
by creating the file /etc/profile.d/

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_07
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$J2RE_HOME/bin:$PATH

Now MusicMagicMixer works great, but SoftSqueeze is back to what appears to be its earlier behavior - the program loads, I can use the on-screen remote to select music, both the softsqueeze display and the web UI show that a song is playing, but I get nothing but silence. And the display goes blank when I turn off SoftSqueeze. This is true both when I run Softsqueeze from a command prompt and when I run it in the web applet.

I suspect this is operator error -- probably related to the /etc/profile.d/ file? -- but I can't sort it out. (I tried moving the file and rebooting -- that broke MusicMagicMixer but it didn't get Softsqueeze back.) Any help?

One other thing -- I've done the alternatives setting for FC3 java (following instructions at

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