--- Patrick Dixon
> I personally think that if you rip just to a lossy format you
> will come
> to regret it.

I agree to some extent.  I ripped my 800 CD's twice before I
knew much about FLAC.  The first time was done at 160kbs CBR
using MusicMatch (it was my first real experience with MP3 and I
actually thought it sounded good.)  Around the time I purchased
my first SLIMP3 I discovered EAC and LAME so I reripped
everything.  While I love my LAME MP3's, I have to admit if I
could do it over I would probably try and find a way to rip them
to FLAC and then have separate storage to maintain a copy in the
MP3 format as well (for quick transfers to my iPod and other
conveniences.)  The last times I ripped my collection it took
most of my spare time for about a month.  Now I have a kid which
means I no longer can devote that kind of time.  I thought about
slowly ripping it again but even at 10 CD's a week it would take
a year and a half.

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