> In Britain we also pay a relatively small (a great deal less than a
> satellite, cable or newspaper subscription) 'licence fee' to have a TV
> in the house capable of broadcast reception. This is how the BBC (both
> radio and TV) is funded; the licence fee is not a tax, so it is not
> under direct government control, thus largely separating the funding of
> our public broadcaster - still one of the best in the world in my view -
> from political influence except when the BBC's Royal Charter comes up
> for review.

[Completely and utterly OT now]

Same here, more or less. Would be nice if I could subscribe to the BBC
- I quite enjoyed their programming during my brief stays in Britain.

Which reminds me: I quite fancy the series "Coupling", which is, IIRC
a BBC production. It will most likely never be released in Austria.
Dubbed, maybe. I borrowed the DVDs of two seasons from a friend.
However, there's at least one other season I have not seen.

Should I -
have to buy the DVDs (for 19 pounds), just for watching it once?
just torrent it?
forget about it?

> There are problems with the mechanism,

As evident in Austria, where the ruling government has found a way
around the political independence and has lifted the "no commercials"
rule to fill the country's coffers. :)

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