I had been keeping my Squeezecenter at 7.01 and waiting for the official
7.2 to come out. I guess my usage model is not bleeding edge; my primary
goal is listening to music so I prize stability and usability above
bells and whistles.  Nice to report that I installed 7.2 over a running
7.01 server and everything came up beautifully with no hassles. (Server
is a headless XP SP3 box running Avast! virus protection.) It did kick
off a rescan of the library which took about 20 minutes to fully
complete, but other than holding down the brightness button on each of
my two SB3 boxes, I had nothing else to do.

What is nice is that the "default" web UI is now usable, whereas the
slowness of that interface under 7.01 had caused me to resort to
"touch" which is a good deal simpler and usually faster. I still like
to use Moose 0.67a for a really slick library browser, though.

This is good stuff: I hope that now the 7.x squeezecenter is in pretty
good shape, we will only see small improvements in stability and
performance and the odd bug fix; no more revolutions, please.


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