goxboxlive;334823 Wrote: 
> So it has a IR-emitter. Maybe in the future we will be able to control
> other HiFi equipment, such as amplifiers and cd players.

No reason it can't, the IR emitter works just fine.  In fact there is a
test applet to use the emitter to control an older SB player.

In order to control something else, you'd need software written.  This
is all open source, so anyone can dive in if they want.  I believe LIRC
http://www.lirc.org/ is being incorporated by a 3rd party developer,
this is the foundation necessary for these things.  LIRC has lots of
configuration files available for a variety of devices.

Applets for the SBC are written in Lua http://www.lua.org/ 
Unfortunately 3rd party developers haven't taken to it as easily as
perl (the language SqueezeCenter is written in) so there aren't too
many 3rd party applets. 

> I really enjoy the squeezebox, but is there any way i can make it have
> static signal on the digital out? 
> I like to control my volume via my preamplifier and not via the duet.
> Is there anyway to make the output signal (coax) static?

Not sure what you mean by "static"?

BTW in regards to the SD card, the SBC OS sees it as an ordinary drive.
You can access SBC via a command line like any Linux computer and tell
it to read from the drive.  Yes, you could put music on it and retrieve
the music easily.  As for playing it, this might take a bit more work as
passing the audio data is currently done by SC.  This should still be
the case with SqueezePlay, so retrieving the audio data from raw files
on an SD card is a bit different and possibly more difficult.

Mark Lanctot

"Make it so it doesn't suck" is a good design target, but hard to
implement - Michael Herger
Mark Lanctot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2071
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