JonWill wrote:
> Forgive me as a Newbie - I know this topic has been discussed at length
> before, but I just need simple clarification...
> As with many people I would like to run a squeezebox from NAS, as
> having a PC on is too power hungry. I already have such a device - a
> 300gb Maxtor Shared Storage plus, which supports UpnP.
> Questions:
> - Can the Squeexebox Duet/ Boom work with UPnP? I understand that you
> will lose some functionality.
> - What is the cheapest NAS available that will run Squeezecentre? 
> Ideally, obviously, I don't want to replace my NAS, but I may have to!
> - Is there another elegant solution for not having a PC running that I
> have missed?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jon
One solution that "you might have missed" is to consider a low-power PC.

I blogged some options I looked at, and in spite of what the post says, 
I'm currently running a TinyTuxbox with SqueezeCenter on it:

My box uses 8 watts of power in total, including the storage I have all 
my music on.  That's less than the 20-25 watts typical power usage of 
most NAS boxes!

The disadvantage of my setup is the smaller amount of storage vs a NAS. 
  I have a 60GB 2.5" IDE hard disk (from an old laptop) in there.  If 
you can live with the amount of storage you can fit into this size of 
system they have many advantages over NAS - more powerful processor, 
more memory, standard operating system on x86 architecture, can be used 
to run other apps for home serving tasks (networked storage, web server, 
etc), and can be used for simple web browsing and e-mail without turning 
on your main PC (saving even more power).

You can see the details of my box on another blog posts and I have a few 
other posts about Squeeze Boxes on there too:

Graham White
<graham UNDERSCORE alton AT hotmail DOT com>

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