> Based on this and discussion that went on afterwards, I fully expected
> that it was going to be left up to the community to activate the
> headphone jack.
> So I was surprised when I found out that Logitech took it on themselves
> to activate the headphone jack. This is fine with me - I'll just be
> happy to be able to use the controller as a portable player in my
> house!

The plans for SD to implement audio on the headphone were already
decided in sept 2007 as noted in the following thread. 

>From a personal point of view - The Squeezeplay platform is less than a
year old and the facilities to make it easy to develop on it (e.g. lots
of varied plugins) are not there yet.   I think when Squeezeplay is
easy to run on PC/Mac and is used instead of SoftSqueeze,  development
will become easier and there will be a bigger audience.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=53879

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