amcluesent;355213 Wrote: 
> I'm beginning to think the SBR/SBC design was a mistake.

If you want IR baster buy an SBc and an SB3. I'm not a developer any
more, but it seems to me the mistake was LUA - a language that very few
people know or want to know. The whole idea was to bring a product to
market that the third party development and enthusiast 'home brew'
community could really go to town with. That clearly has not happened.

I still think its a great product though. But in terms of what it does
for the money it costs, it's not anywhere near as good a value prospect
as an iPod touch/iPhone. Audio out on the SBc will really add a lot of
value, but IMO they really need to get the IR emitor working - then it
will be unbeatable.

As for the Sonos remote, i too would want a dedicated remote. Using the
iPod is a great move and i would use it if i had a Sonos and iPod/iPhone
- but they are hardly innovating, loads of people have do this already
(including Apple themselves). What surprised me at first was the fact
that a company that already knows plenty of people will pay over the
odds for thier products would hand out a completely free app. Not even
$5? And what about existing controller sales? But i really dont think
Sonos care about sales of the CP100 - What i suspect Sonos is actually
doing here is a canny bit of market research, and what better way to do
it? they are watching how this (solid and slick, but fairly
run-of-the-mill app) goes down and what people want, following the
progress of the SBc. My guess is that Sonos are developing a new remote
that will really trump SD/Logitech (touch screen, maybe even with audio)
which we will see in the not to distant future.


*Lounge  :* Squeezebox Classic -> Cambridge Audio Azur 640a -> Mission
*Bedroom :* Squeezebox Receiver -> Trends TA10.1 Class-T -> Kef Cresta
*Office  :* Softsqueeze -> Logitech Active 5.1's.
*Kitchen :* Squeezebox Boom -coming soon-
*Roaming : * Squeezebox Controller -> Logitech mm28 portable speakers /
Shure E2c's
*Controllers :* Squeezebox Controller x 2 + Logitech Harmony one
*Server  :* SC7.3b (Vista 64) + AlienBBC, iPlayer & MusicIP headless.

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