tamanaco;354910 Wrote: 
> The Sonos app on an iPhone/iPod Touch is not perfect either. Not only
> does it have be connected to WiFi, but you have to "start" the Sonos
> application. What if the iPhone fails to start the app? What if you
> have to reset/reboot the iPhone? This is not not to say that the
> Controller won't face the same issue, but the potential for crashes in
> a multipurpose/multiapp device is a lot greater. 
Well written iPhone apps start up in under a second. The iPhone
reconnects to wifi faster than the Controller does. There is also no
issue with the iPhone having to wake up from suspend, like the
Controller has to when it has been idle for more than an hour.

At the same time the iPhone's battery life is better, while giving near
instant wifi reconnection and app startup.

A well written iPhone app is going to equal or beat the Controller in
most areas:

- it should be just as responsive
- the UI has the potential to be easier to use (the flick to scroll
approach to navigating lists on the iPhone works better than the
Controller's wheel and the iPhone can also have its handy "jump to the
initial letter" navigation)
- text entry will be far, far faster
- it reconnects to the network faster
- it never has to wake from suspend
- its battery life is better

Where the iPhone will lose out is the lack of hardware buttons for
volume and playback control. Picking up the Controller to adjust the
volume or pause will be a fair bit quicker than the iPhone app,
assuming the Controller isn't suspended of course.


Yes, it will. Yes, all of them. Yes, SoftSqueeze as well. What ?
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