Wow, for the most part I'm pretty proud of those participating in this
thread, in many other boards I visit the discussion would have went
afoul much longer ago.

> So, when does George Bush go on trial? Weapons of mass destruction my
> ass!

I love this argument - If Bush was as corrupt as many of you seem to
believe, we *WOULD* have found WMD's, doesn't take a genius to think
that one through.  Comparing his administration to Nazi Germany is as
ignorant as it is insulting for all of us on this side of the pond -
regardless of your politics.

So the guy got some bad info (maybe) - intelligence is never 100%
accurate and all you can do is follow what you feel in your gut & the
information you've been provided.   It's unfortunate we didn't find any
WMD's to shut everyone up, but the gist of it is that WE ARE doing good
things in Iraq, Saddam's regime was truly guilty of many crimes against
humanity, and most of the "regular" folk there do appreciate us - at
least according to the military personnel I've talked to that have been
there.  It's unfortunate that almost no one else had the "nuts" to go
over there with us and remove this dangerous person from a position of
power.    I just personally hope we can get Iraq's security shored up
before we make a knee jerk reaction and pull out prematurely, further
destabilizing the region and giving an opportunity to other extremists
groups like the Taliban.

The other thing I have a problem with is people blaming the current
state of the economy on those awful republicans.   No offense to anyone
in particular but this discussion is so complex and long in the making
that assigning blame toward one side or the other is a sure sign you've
been brainwashed by your media or have limited capacity to process the
scope of the situation.

Personally I feel a lot of greed by various groups lead us to this.  
Firstly, there's only so much $5+/gallon diesel the US economy, as
powerful as it is/was can support.   I'm well aware many in the world
would find this a bargain, but we're a big country with large open
spaces and the need to do a LOT of transportation to support our
economy and citizens - the whole country practically runs on diesel in
one form or fashion.   Certainly a large part of the blame for this
quagmire falls right in the laps of those responsible - whoever you
believe that is.   Hopefully the end result of this is a lot more money
poured into developing alternative and "cleaner" energy sources, a lot
more quickly.

Another HUGE part of the problem were the lineant lending practices
that allowed a huge rush of unqualified people to purchase property
they absolutely could not afford in attempt to "flip" it and make a
mint in the process.  

This phenomenon lead to a huge inflation of real estate prices on both
the coasts (and to a lesser extent, the middle of the country) that
could absolutely not be sustained for any reasonable period of time.  

Combine this with skyrocketing energy costs (which affect the cost of
*EVERYTHING* else) and you have the "perfect storm"

Now - the reality is, as long as energy is available, and we have
natural resources (and use them wisely), the prices & economy will
correct themselves with time.  We've already seen it with oil returning
to the $60~70 range - it may not stay there but I bet it will be at
least a little while before we see it at $150/barrel again.

FWIW - it's going to be an interesting four years for sure.   As others
in this thread I congratulate Mr Obama on his victory & hope he does a
great job for us all as well as heals our relationship with the world
(which I believe was unduly tarnished by "the media's" extreme hatred
of Bush).   Three of my biggest concerns though are his experience -
it's one thing to make a good speech, it's quite another to make good
decisions.   Next, the amount of money he spent to get there - that
simply equals a *lot* of favors to a *lot* of people.  The other is his
current voting record making him one of the most (if not the most)
partisan liberals in the Senate.

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