>Did you try using the MusicIP web interface to find mixable tracks?
>This should show how many tracks are in MusicIP and how many are
mixable. T

Philip,  I'm at work so need to check later, but I'm pretty sure that
it showed something like 2,800/3,400 tracks were mixable.  The mixing
certainly works in MusicIP and on SpiceFly's headless interface. 

>>One of the things I had to do to get it to work was to leave the
>>Folder in squeezecenter settings blank and rescan.
>I really wouldn't recommend that. I think that was only suggested by
>support to fix issues with songs being duplicated in the library.
However, >it is much better to retrieve music via SqueezeCenter's
scanner, and use >MusicIP just for identifying mixable tracks.

I did try to re-enter music folder in Squeezecentre last night but the
problem I now have is that the Squeezecentre is no longer recognising
my external (NAS) drive, which I have mapped as G:\ - it was fine
before, but I can now only select drives on my laptop (C:\ and D:\). 
I'll try and delete the caches and then see if a reconfigure will
re-reveal the G:\ music files drive.  Thanks for the advice, I'll let
you know how I get on (no doubt another evening down the drain
tinkering with it).

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