Thanks for the input chaps and chapesses. Unsure of how to do multiple
quotes, I will add my replies:

1. I might well be able to put in a second drive, but it's a works
laptop so I don't really want to.

2. No, I won't be stopping at 65Gb. That's me just re-ripped all my
CD's having previously had them as mp3. The library will of course get
bigger, but it won't be quick. I am tempted to look at getting a fit-pc
next year and having it as a dedicated music server/storage. That way I
can get all my FLAC off my works laptop. I can also go wired rather
than wireless as at the moment.

3. I agree that there's something bad about my system. It's a very
small firm with a retained IT bod but he's not much good. I prefer to
keep my own machine clean, but I also fiddle... Time for a full

4. MSCONFIG - yes I am familiar and have hoovered it out as best as I
dare. I attach a screenshot of those that I have not had the courage to
uncheck and would be grateful for any more I can get rid of.

5. I do have a 500Gb external drive for back ups and will be backing up
all my music, photos and docs before the reinstall.

6. I have ZoneAlarm running (this actually seems to take quite a while
to lad though), use AVG CCleaner and Spyware Doctor regularly and its
apparently all clean. Any ideas on a light firewall? Or should I revert
to Micro$not's own?

I never considered that the FLAC files were dragging the startup time
down - but tried a defrag last week and I gave up after 14 hours and
23%! This is what brought me to the idea of creating a partition. Looks
like it's a winner when I do the back up and reinstall.

Cheers again for the help - looking forward to more!


|Filename: msconfig.JPG                                             |


Thurston Garden

SB2 - Duet Controller - NAD 3020e - Mission 773's
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