thurstongarden;370490 Wrote: 
> Cheers Howard. 
> 56 processes running. I know our IT bod would complain about me having
> Rainlendar, Rainmeter and ObjectDock running to tweak my desktop (the
> fad might well pass soon though).
> There's actually only 1 SC running - it was my pasting my screen grabs
> that was wonky!
> Of to look at Malewarebytes now but if anyone has any suggestions of
> stuff I can bin from the msconfig, please shout!
> Ta.

Look in your start up folder and the All Users start up folder and get
rid of anything in there that you don't need at start up.  A good
example of stuff that doesn't need to start is Adobe products,
Photoshop products, printers tools from folks like HP, even Quicktime
in most cases doesn't need to be in start up.  Double check your
virus/maleware stuff and especially the firewalls.  I don;t know what
the Rain things are, but I bet they really aren't necessary amd may be
eating up CPU cyles. 

I think you'll like malewarebytes (google can find it)  You don't have
to do the paid one, just the free downlaod scan.  As a amtter of fact,
the paid one sticks another process on your PC which has been known to
interfer with some software, notably Nikon photo software.


Howard Passman

.....and still waiting for extra cradles..
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