On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 23:00 +0100, Daniel Cohen wrote:
> On 16/8/05 at 22:06 +0100, Mark Bennett wrote
> Possibly hi-fi dealers don't like the Squeezebox, and maybe they 
> haven't tried SB2. Or perhaps the features that make us really like 
> SB don't seem of interest to them.

I think there is an element of truth in this. I took my
laptop/SB2/Benchmark Dac-1 into a couple of hi-fi shops at the
beginning of the year to audition new amps/speakers.

One shop was very dismissive of the technology, saying that it
could never sound as good as a real CD player. The other shop
was more ambivalent and were vaguely interested in how it

Perhaps the real issue here is that the SB2 doesn't appeal to
hi-fi shops. It doesn't look like the rest of their products,
there's not enough margin to make it worth their while and
there's probably too much risk of a novice needing far too
much support to get a system working.

"The biggest problem encountered while trying to design a system that 
was completely foolproof, was, that people tended to underestimate the 
ingenuity of complete fools." (Douglas Adams)

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