On Wed, 2005-08-17 at 15:19 -0700, JulianL wrote:
> Indeed. One wonders how the SB2 would be received if it was put into a
> fancy minimalist but bulky high end housing, increased in price by an
> order of magnitude, and some key designer from Krell/Naim/Linn/Meridian
> or similar taken onto Slim Devices staff just so they could spin an
> audiophile message to the shops and mags. Audiophile shops rubbishing
> the concept is ridiculous, people like Linn and Meridian already offer
> equipment that in principle is the same as SB2 (Meridian make a big
> point of jitter reduction by taking the bitstream out of a big solid
> state buffer and Linn sell an HD player). Slim Devices just quietly
> delivery this stuff at a fair price and, since their entire company is
> built around this one concept, they have really thought hard about the
> protocols and the UI. I do have reasonably high-end audio, I'm sitting
> in front of over $10,000 of Meridian equipment as I type this, but I am
> very excited about swapping my CD transport for a SB2.

As you and others have said, it's a very tempting idea.

Take the guts of an SB2, stick it in a big box. Include a big,
heavy, linear power supply, and maybe some of the HW mods that
have been described (especially supply regulators, word clocks
and digital output fanglers - the HiFi magazines love these).

Put the price up to, say 1000UKP and add some pretentious marketing.

I'm convinced this would get some interest from the hi-fi press.

"The biggest problem encountered while trying to design a system that 
was completely foolproof, was, that people tended to underestimate the 
ingenuity of complete fools." (Douglas Adams)

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