bpa;431723 Wrote: 
> You could try the following as a test.  It needs to be run form a
> command prompt window and in the AlienBBC plugin Bin directory which has
> mplayer.exe. Assuming your PC has speakers.
> This plays BBC Radio 2 - RealAudio stream.
> mplayer -v -playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/realmedia/fmg2.ram
> The "-v" gives additional setup info in case they don't work.
> You could try the following URLs in the SC Tune-in box.
> rtsp://rmlive.bbc.co.uk/bbc-rbs/rmlive/farm/live24/bbc_ami/radio2/radio2_nb_int_live.ra
> rtsp://rmlive.bbc.co.uk/bbc-rbs/rmlive/farm/live24/bbc_ami/radio2/radio2_nb_live.ra

Tried those two URLs in the Tune-in box.  The first connects and plays,
the second displays "error connecting to URL......" on my SBC.

Was going to try the CMD window method you mentioned but spookily I
can't find mplayer.exe anywhere on the computer.  Could this be the
cause of my problem?  If it is indeed missing, I don't know where it
could have gone.

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