Goodsounds;432065 Wrote: 
> > the availability of 3rd party plugins, both music-related and not, is
> a key difference 
> > between Squeezebox and its closest competitors. I think it should be
> more prominently highlighted
> Let's think about the target market. I'd bet the vast majority - maybe
> 3 of 4 - wouldn't understand or care about this at all. And, ultimately,
> won't distinguish available features as between sources. Do you think
> otherwise? 
> These pages are the marketing equivalent of the  "elevator speech"
> cliche - putting specs of any kind only clutter and dilute the message.
> The message needs to be crisp and condensed. You'll notice that the
> specs are anything but prominent, that's not inadvertent.

It's difficult to prove which is better when two products do very
similar things; no Web site is going to persuade anyone whether
Squeezebox or Sonos is a better-sounding network music player. So it
makes sense not to spend time talking about -90 dB noise vs -100 dB
noise. What's easy to do is point out when a product does something the
other simply cannot. With a Squeezebox Controller, Classic, Boom, or
Transporter, I can display weather conditions & forecasts, sports
scores, commuter train information, and more. With Sonos, I could not.

Logitech shouldn't spend much effort marketing what's theoretically
possible with the Squeezebox open architecture, but it should promote
the expanded capabilities actually provided (usually for free!) by
third-parties. Consider weather. Greg Brown's SuperDateTime has offered
this for 4 years, but Sonos customers are left out in the cold; all they
can do is beg Sonos to provide this for their more expensive but
less-capable gear:,

Logitech should seriously consider mining the Sonos forums to create a
feature comparison chart. Scanning through that second thread, it seems
like half of the things mentioned there are either standard features of
Squeezebox or available through  prominent (free!) plugins.

free plugins:
AllQuiet BlankSaver ContextMenu FuzzyTime KidsPlay
KitchenTimer PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket SaverSwitcher
SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock
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