SilverRS8;431873 Wrote: 
> Where is the download plug-in section?

I'd guess that's what "Partners" -> "Add-Ons" is supposed to link to,
but as MeSue notes, those links trigger 404 errors. Seems weird to me --
the availability of 3rd party plugins, both music-related and not, is a
key difference between Squeezebox and its closest competitors. I think
it should be more prominently highlighted, maybe under "How it Works" a
section called "Making it even better". Right now they're buried under
Community > Developer Resources > Downloads...

... and the "Downloads directory of our website" link on the Developer
Resources page is broken.

Overall, a pleasant facelift, but I do miss the pulldown menus on the
top of the page. The new design seems to force me to scroll to the
bottom of the page or, worse, parse the text of the page. Not good for
returning users like me who simply want to jump to something like the
Downloads page.

In Firefox 3 on Ubuntu, the "Support" link at the top of the page
doesn't fit in the graduated link bar, it's rendered on the next line.

The layout of your 404 page is all out of whack in Firefox.

"Setting Things Up" still references SqueezeNetwork; probably should
say " (formerly called SqueezeNetwork)".

"Which player is right for me?" should probably have home page
presence. And it seems weird that the text on that page does not promote
the Classic or Transporter except in reference to the IR remote's
compatibility. Are those players not recommended anymore?

The home page layout is all out of whack if JavaScript is disabled.
Probably need to specify that the non-default promotional DIVs have
hidden visibility.

free plugins:
AllQuiet BlankSaver ContextMenu FuzzyTime KidsPlay
KitchenTimer PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket SaverSwitcher
SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions VolumeLock
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