
Yes, I checked that it was using ethernet. I did not do that for me
automagically, but that was no real problem. With the SB3 wireless and
my mac (running OSX10.5) wired, it's also quite responsive. So I think I
will keep it this way.
After using it some days now, I've found some other things for which I
would like some support:
-Is it possible to modify the rate of change for the volume control?
-When browsing artists->albums, for some artists the albums are
displayed like <year> - <album> and some are not. The directory
structure is the same and musicip mixer says that all tags are OK.
-Why does 'Haskell, Gordon' show up with artists starting with G while
'Dietrich, Marlene' is with the D artists?
-Why does 'Liszt, Frans' show up with the D artists also?


Remco Poelstra

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