I have 8 Classics, 3 Booms, 2 SB2s, 1 SB-Reciever and 2 SB-Controllers
running on my network. I still have a Slimp3 tucket away, but only use
it to impress the ladies :)

When I bought my Duet, I never attached the Reciever to the network. I
never tried. The Reciever attached now is at a friends house, running on
my network. He bought it a couple of months ago and it works fine. It
does have the odd problem with wireless, it seems like the antennas are
not that good.

I have never been impresses with the SB-Controller. It seems to be Slow
and flimsy. iPeng has been the reak killer-app for me. It runs perfectly
even over a slow connection. Anybody who asks me if the should buy the
Duet, I tell them to buy a classic and a iPod Touch with iPeng, it works
a treat!

I have been running Squeezeserver for 6 (or even maybe 7..) years now.
I have been fed up at some times due to it crashing or not being able to
display foreign characters. Nowerdays I just update it when I need to,
or a new feature comes out. I have a large collection of older versions
I could roll back to, but this has not been necacary for a long time.

Maybe my listening habbits are different than others. I use the
standard install with musicIP (<-- also a killer app) and Trackstat,
that's it.

I had the occasional crash with the last version, but have learnt that
trashing the DB and rebuilding it solves most problems.

Sike's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2458
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66745

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