pfarrell;451545 Wrote: 
> erland wrote:
> > However, IMHO SqueezeCenter isn't the typical open source project.
> > There is a huge difference when a company makes all decisions and
> the
> > decisions are based on what reaches the company strategy and gives
> > economical results in the end.
> I'm not so sure. FireFox is open source, but they get huge amounts of
> funding from Google. NetBeans and Java are open source, but got huge
> amounts of funding/engineering time from Sun. 
> In both cases, I don't think decisions are as community driven as you
> are claiming.
I consider FireFox, NetBeans and Java to be in the same category as
SqueezeCenter, in all these products I suspect decisions aren't made by
the community. That's also a reason why they've all in a way succeeded
to be something more than software for geeks.

I guess SqueezeCenter might not be as unusual as I made it look like. I
was just trying to say that there are different kinds of open source
software, some succeeds and some doesn't. In the ones that succeed there
is often some kind of economical interest pushing the development in a
strategic direction.

pfarrell;451545 Wrote: 
> > I'm pretty sure Apple's success is because they work a lot with
> > usability. 
> I may be quoting you out of context here, but Apple is the best
> example
> I know of a completely closed source company that extracts premium
> prices.
> Sure, they have great design and great usability. But they are not
> open
> in any sense of the word.
I'm sorry if I was unclear. I wasn't trying to say that Apple is open,
I was trying to say that I think the Apple success is primarily based on
other things than it's closed development philosophy. 

pfarrell;451545 Wrote: 
> I'm not sure that there will be any light shed on this thread if it
> continues, as it seems to be mostly smoke. Starting with the subject
> line of the thread. It assumes that a rant is justified and that a
> rescue is needed and the need for this rescue is seen by all.
I suppose you are correct.

pfarrell;451545 Wrote: 
> p.s. I absolutely hate the renaming of the server. Hated it the first
> time, do now, and probably always will. Branding, bletch.
I'm just tired of changing the names everywhere in the code, wiki and
in other places.

I kind of like the last one, I'm just hoping it won't change again next


Erland Isaksson
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