chroma;457115 Wrote: 
> 1) I wish the soft knob on the transporter would allow me to set it to
> default to volume control. I've used it without a preamp, and it is
> annoying to have to find and press the volume button.
I raised this issue first time I heard about the Transporter, back when
it was announced in July 2006. (See my post #58 in this old thread As I
explained in that thread, I effectively wanted to use a Transporter as a
digital preamp, and "I make minor volume adjustments far more often than
I choose an album to play."

I would have preferred the Transporter to actually have a separate
volume knob altogether, but if there was only going to be one knob, its
default had to be as a volume control. I would have preordered a
Transporter before it was even released if it had worked that way.

Back then people on the forum just assumed that someone would write a
plugin to set the default to volume control, but over the course of many
years and many products from many manufacturers, I've seen numerous
seemingly simple features never get implemented, so I wasn't going to
plunk down my two grand until it actually worked the way I wanted it to.
More than three years later, a volume control default for the
Transporter knob still doesn't exist as far as I know. I have since
taken my system in a different direction, so I wouldn't be buying a
Transporter today even if a volume default were to be implemented. Thus,
Slim Devices lost the opportunity to sell me a Transporter because of a
minor design choice that easily could have been rectified.

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