I work in product development and have done customer support. Our
products are far more complex and we reach far further with each new
model, but we can't bring out stuff full of obvious bugs as 7.4 appears
to be. Here they have even changed their hardware and their new FW is
causing all sorts crashes. I mean how can you produce FW for a very
mature piece of hardware that doesn't even do that much and not catch
things cause even routine operations to fail. Looks like they don't have
a formal SW QA process. 

Maybe the difference is that they are selling to the public, while we
sell to professionals. And frankly, since the invention of the personal
computer we consumers have come expect things not to work, and to get
lousy support. 

The computer industry exploits that to the max. I have never dealt with
an industry that has such lame support and ships such obviously flawed
products, well except maybe GM in the '70's. But look where that led.

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