erland;494066 Wrote: 
> I understand that some people seems to think that everything will be
> better if it's owned by Logitech but I personally really don't think
> this is the case. 

This isn't the argument, at least not the one I'm trying to make.  It's
purely a marketing, image, product positioning move.  I don't expect
iPeng or any other 3rd party development would be automatically improved
by Logitech taking ownership, and agree that the opposite is a real
risk.  However, I'm already a Squeezebox devotee hook line and sinker,
read these boards daily, and love to tinker with this stuff.  So given
that, I have no issue or discomfort with iPeng being 3rd party.  But
from a broader perspective, considering potential new customers, I think
it's a detriment to the product line that the iPhone app isn't directly
associated with Logitech.  And without reading these boards, one could
reasonably come to the conclusion that a non-Logitech app isn't going to
work as well as an official app (i.e. Sonos.)

Although I'm not a developer (wish I had the time to develop those
skills,) I echo the benefits that could be derived from better and more
consistent support for 3rd part development.  And I'd extend the
argument to improving front-end support/integration as well as back-end
API support.  As an example from an end user perspective, it was way too
difficult to get weather to appear on my Boom.


2x SBR, Boom, Radio, iPeng
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