mbonsack;506320 Wrote: 
> Just curious; as a vortexbox user one of the first things I did upon
> installation was upgrade the default 7.4.1 SBS to the latest 7.4.2
> build.  Is there a reason that Vortexbox has not adopted a fairly recent
> 7.4.2 build as the default, as it's fixed many things (and will fix
> other critical items shortly like Radio alarms)?  It may also take care
> of this bug, but I'm not sure it's been backported.

We only run the release on VortexBox because we are worried about bugs
in the nightly builds. Remember 1000s of users use VortexBox and many of
them are non technical. If there is a bug it might not be easy for them
to work around it. 

The problem with AAC is resolved in 7.5 and will not be back ported as
far as I can tell. We are starting to use our own build of SBS for
VortexBox. It will be based in 7.4.1 but have a few patches such as this


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Lead Developer VortexBox
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